Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wed. March 10

Good morning,

Had a good night and slept more soundly - am getting pain meds under control to one every 4-5 hrs. as needed - incision is healing nicely. Last night nurse wanted to put a thinner dressing on and I wouldn't let her because it was the same nurse that tried it the last time and I had a big leak?!?!? I really think it is fine, but will wait another day or so for it to happen. Off to breakfast and therapy!!

Another fairly good day today – lot of work in therapy – had to walk sideways, front and back with walker. Hopefully can do self transfers by tomorrow during daytime. Corwyn visited today for a couple of hours – Llinda stopped by and we sat outside all afternoon for the last of the warm weather days!! Well the head therapist just stopped in to tell me that insurance approved me until the 24th – they were trying to pull me today?!?!!? That was quite a shock to me - the 24th is day after next appt. in Hershey and I strongly suspect if all continues well that I will be leaving after that.
Had a pleasant surprise visit from one of my students and her mother this evening – several phone calls from friends and now am watching TV and catching up on computer before my next IV drip at 11:30.

Thanks for cards, thoughts, and prayers!!

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