Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday, May 7

Hi everyone,

Have had a good week with friends from Ala. coming Tues. evening - Carl and Cindy were here until Wed. evening when they left to go to Williamsburg for a 4 day tandem bike ride. Arlene is still here and will stay until Wed. She has been waiting on me hand and foot and really spoiling me!!

Wed. we toured the Battlefield with Dave and Carol Moore - they exhausted me, so we have been laying pretty low since then - yesterday I had a dr. appt. and last evening we attended a "gold" party. We have a visit planned with one of the riders that Arlene rode cross country with in 2007.

Not sure what rest of week will bring, but the weather has been absolutely beautiful!
Hope all of you are well!

Thanks for prayers, support, and cards!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carole,

    Thanks for keeping us up on how you are doing. You are such a faithful reporter through this incredible ordeal. I really admire your optimism and your cheerfulness through all of this. I told my friend Tim who went through a year's worth of medical stuff including feeding tube, hip infection, replacement etc etc. that when we would go to an Indians game together when he was ready and sure enough we did a year after his ordeal began. It was such a neat trip -- first time out to eat for him in a year at a small italian restaurant in Cleveland when he shed his feeding tube.

    Long story to say simply that I would love to come out and do a ride with you when you are back on the bike. My sister and brother in law live within an hour so it would be easy for me to connect that way. Please continue to keep us posted. COntinuing to pray that God will see you through this and back on your bike as He wills.

    your friend, Chris

    PS -- I have been peaking at the AbB fast south blog occasionally as well. I am getting the bug again as in antsy while Marcia only cringes.
