It has been a couple of busy weeks!! I had my bloodwork done and all was really good = we are watching kidneys and if function decreases will have to change antibiotics.
I finished my 4th wk of full days and am feeling well - I do still tire - so to bed early and a lot of hard work at therapy. My surgeon wants me to "push through it", so I am doing the best that I can to get back to a sense of normalcy.
I can now tie my shoes on my bad leg and wear regular shoes again. Putting on the sock is still not the easiest, but I think it will come too.
I am doing a "hill" program on the stationary bike and increasing the levels. As you can see, I finally made it on the bike outside - it is a mountain bike - girl's- too small for me, but I did it. I rode a total of 2 1/2 miles on Sunday - starting out with 3 nephews running beside and in back of me and brother Gary to the front. The riding part was great - starting and stopping a little tricky, but with practice and focus, I got there and can't wait to do it again!! With some hard work and effort, I should be ready to go again in the spring and hope to do some distance riding next summer!!
I was just thinking tonight of my theme song on the blog and realized just how correct the words are!!
I go to Hershey again on Nov. 23 to see both drs. and hope to have a good visit. I will try to continue to update this every week or sol
Thanks again to my surgeon, infectious disease dr., family, friends, and all those I don't even know who have prayed for me and supported me in some way. The whole experience has been quite humbling!!
Like I have always said, "life is like a bicycle. Ride it until the wheels come off!"